Friday, 8 May 2009


Commuting can be a monotonous drudge. The daily routine of walk, wait, ride, transfer, ride, and finally work lays waste to days and years. Yesterday was no different. I walked to the place to wait for the dinosaur. Luckily, I found a seat. The dinosaur began roaring and vibrating its way through traffic to pick up and drop off the worker bees. Click.....Click.....Click. It started after some older passengers from the same stop sat down somewhere behind me. Click....A sound that was instantly familiar.

"Is someone really cutting their nails on the bus? in public?" I said to myself. One of my pet peeves since I can remember. I turned around to see an older Taiwanese, maybe middle aged, cutting her nails and talking to an equally aged, fellow dinosaur rider. While the country bumpkin clicked away with out a care as to who picked up her nail scrapings or if the noise bothers the holy shit out of fellow passengers, I pondered confessing these thoughts to her out loud. Releasing my righteous pet peeve onto the ignorant bitch poking my nerves. My stop comes up and off I go, departing happily.

I transfer to the roller coaster for the last leg of my commute. This time I am also lucky to find I seat. I sit. Across from me is a man giving a phone bill the once over. He takes of his glasses and, while squinting, brings his face closer to the paper. I guess he thought his bill would change if he took his glasses off.
"This bill Can't be right. They must have made a mistake. Let me rely on my poor eyesight to double check"
Perhaps he couldn't believe how expensive the bill was and thought that he should take his glasses off to blame the price on his misread? I got to work at 930.

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