Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Paranoid much?

I showed up at the building General Mills has chosen to be the base of office operations in Taipei. Walking past the doorman I went to the elevator and pushed the button. Up. I hop in with the water delivery man because I don't want to wait for another up and down cycle. When I arrive at the fifth floor I walk through the to the secretary's desk so they can give me their visitor's sticker. Instead, they hand me a translated notice that reads, "because of swine flu we require everyone to spray their hands with gasoline and submit to having their temperature taken through a minor invasive procedure before entry"

Ok, so it didn't say that exactly. After washing my hands with alcohol to kill any flu germs I moved on to the next stage of my examination by the secretaries. A horned device was waved over my forehead to determine if I had a fever based on surface temperature. It was hot out this morning and I was in a rush so the thermometer couldn't register my fever possibilities until I cooled down and stopped sweating. I had a sweet wait of about ten minutes before my temperature registered. I didn't mind though since I sat and waited on their time. I was marked at a cadaver average 34. Oh, that's Celsius. I was wondering why they let me in.

Since there has been no cases of swine flue (H1N1) in Taiwan its pretty safe to say that people are too paranoid on the island (was that a lost reference?). It's flu god damn it! not the bubonic plague. Yeah, some people die from flu, mostly old folks and babies, but it's still a flu. The news said our stockpile of drugs can deal with it. So can we please have confidence in drugs and deal with it minus the paranoia?

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