Monday, 8 June 2009

Mud Butt

Who doesn't love the weekend? If you have to work during the weekend then probably you. Also, those people who experience a bad case of mud butt. Mud butt will ruin any day off, holiday, or overall good times.

Mud butt is known by many synonymous terms. Hershey squirts, the runs, the shits, poocano, and Mao's revenge are all common names that we learned as children or through out our lives that we prefer to use rather than diarrhea. Why do we prefer to use these terms? probably because they mitigate an embarrassing situation by making it more humorous than shameful.

My craptastic weekend started Thursday night. I came home from the gym late and ate my last meal. As I was trying to sleep a pain came over my stomach. I thought it might be from eating under cooked asparagus and just let myself slip into the unconscious world of ninja turtles and llamas. Don't ask. Friday morning was like any other. I ate my usual breakfast followed by two cups of coffee at work. Then it started. I left my student to do some fill in the blanks while I supervised some demolition work that, well, just had to be taken care of.

This continued until Sunday. I never felt "sick" except for "the condition" and still hold that god damn asparagus responsible for my muddy weekend.


  1. i was eating a bagel, and now i can't finish it.

  2. What can I say? sometimes, life is a little crude.
